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AntiLog and AntiLogPro - High performance RS232 data loggers

AntiLogPro OEMAntiLogPro OEM RS232 data logger

Our portable RS232 data logger products are the ideal way to reliably record your RS232 serial port data. These easy to use data loggers simply plug into your data sources and are immediately ready to record your important RS232 data.

They require very little power and can simultaneously record selected digital logic line conditions, button push events and more. They offer dual channel, full rate recording up to 921,600 baud and provide support for up to 1TB storage.

Current firmware revision: new  V9.2b (dual channel and multiple unit release)

Our AntiLog and AntiLogPro product range

AntiLog and AntiLogPro RS232 data loggers are available in boxed or OEM form factors. Each can record up to two completely independent sources of data at the same time, even at full data rate.

Boxed units come complete with all you need to get you started. They can be powered for long periods of time from a PP3 style battery fitted internally or from an external DC power source.

OEM units give you maximum flexibility to embed a high quality data logging solution into your own system design. They can even be configured to log data as soon as power is applied, and append more data each time power is re-applied making it extremely easy to integrate them into an existing system.

AntiLog key features

AntiLogPro OEM RS232 data logger
  • Very low power operation (can easily be battery powered).
  • High capacity storage capability (supports up to 1TByte).
  • Data can be binary, ASCII or a mixture in any format you want.
  • Easy to use so trials can be performed by non-technical staff.
  • Full rate, dual channel recording up to 921,600 baud (AntiLogPro).
  • Baud rates: 300 to 460,800 (600 to 921,600 for AntiLogPro).
  • Uses the most comprehensive terminal configuration menu system.
  • Powerful time stamping options, even for full eight bit binary data.
  • GNSS NMEA sentence filtering and sub sampling options per channel.
  • Digital logic level recording, polled or sampled as required.
  • 'EventIn' logic transition captures up to 200Hz with 1ms timestamp resoltion.
  • Multiple user output commands for equipment polling.
  • Real time playback (even for dual channel output).
  • Option to simulate up to two independent, real time GNSS receiver NMEA outputs whilst recording.
  • Wide power source operating range from 4.5V to 18V.
  • No need for "config jumpers", "setting switches" or complex configuration files.
  • AntiLogPro OEM units can combine into one large multi-channel data logger controlled from just one serial port.
  • Advanced built in bootloader allows reliable embedded firmware upgrades via the Internet.

AntiLogPro advanced features

AntiLogPro is an advanced version of the original AntiLog design available as a boxed or OEM module all with dual channel data recording as standard. AntiLogPro RS232 data loggers provide the following additional features:-

Boxed AntiLogPro RS232 data logger

(Media card part extracted)

  • Exceptionally high performance. Able to record full rate data on two channels at 921,600 baud simultaneously.
  • Fully configurable RS232 line management including individual line inversion and power saving options.
  • Logging of digital logic line states (inputs protected to ±40V).
  • Baud rates supported: 600 to 921,600 and user defined.
  • Transfer settings from one unit to another simply by connecting them via a NULL modem cable and pressing the "On" button.
  • Selectable "Ring Buffer" storage method to retain the most recent data.
  • Assign any of the three (OEM) or two (boxed) hardware serial ports to the recording, playback and menu system functions.
  • Onboard real time clock with battery backup.
  • Supports selected external I2C bus environment sensors (OEM only)
  • Combine many units as one (multiple unit support, OEM only)
  • GNSS navigation receiver simulated output option available (simulate up to two channels of GPS NMEA for user defined locations in real time).
  • Hardware 1PPS synchronization output signal for accurate timing applications (OEM only).

AntiLog vs AntiLogPro

The following table describes the main capability differences between the AntiLog and AntiLogPro hardware design variants when running V9.2 of the embedded firmware.

Capability AntiLog AntiLogPro
Number of hardware serial ports supported 2 3 *
Maximum supported baud rate (each channel) 460,800 921,600
Maximum full rate single channel data logging (baud) 230,400 921,600
Maximum full rate dual channel data logging (baud per channel) 115,200 921,600
Battery test voltage indicator (maximum) 9.9V 18.0V
Pins that can be used as logged digital inputs 5 9 *
Bi-colour LED state indicators 1 2
User invertible RS232 lines (e.g. for direct CMOS level logging)
Selectable “ring buffer” storage method
One Pulse Per Second (1PPS) output time stamp reference ✔ *
Transfer settings between units connected via NULL modem cable
Dual channel simulated GNSS receiver output option (option 'G')
Support for selected external I2C bus environment sensors ✔ *
Multiple unit support using third Auxiliary port ✔ *

* Requires OEM version of the product to gain access to extra pin header connections.

User friendly operation

For boxed units, simply push the 'On' button to start recording. Hold the 'Off' button down to close the current logging session and to switch the unit off. Simply switch on and off like this to append data to the store in new recording sessions - it's as easy as that! For OEM units supplied with the Forced power ('P' option) simply applying and removing power starts and stops data logging in a similar way.

Hold the 'On' button down for two seconds or more during switch on to put the unit in the playback menu mode. In this mode, you can configure the system to your needs using the unit's intuitive menu system. You can define exactly how AntiLog handles data recording and playback using the extensive number of options available. All settings are non-volatile so you only have to set them once even if all sources of power are removed.

You need an RS232 serial port terminal application on any platform to allow you to see and interact with the menu system. Serial port terminal applications are readily available, including our terminal in a web browser on this website, and our free and full featured AntiTermPro PC based application which has been specifically designed to support all of the AntiLog product range features.

AntiTermPro RS232 serial port terminal display

While in playback menu mode, simply push the 'On' and 'Off' buttons as many times as you want to start and stop data replay. You are not restricted to playing back data at the same baud rate it was recorded. You can also optionally embed recorded time tag information in playback data streams.

Low power consumption

PP3 battery

There is no need to transport an enormous power source around with you because instead of consuming many hundreds of milliwatts or more of power, AntiLog data loggers typically use just 58mW (including media power consumption) to record full rate continuous binary data at 9,600 baud and around 90mW at 115,200 baud. So for example, AntiLog boxed units can record RS232 data happily for days on a single PP3 battery.

All AntiLog units have the ability to dynamically reduce power consumption based on baud rates in use (less than 115,200) and data stream content. AntiLog units consume less power if no RS232 data is being received or transmitted. This means AntiLog is ideal for recording GNSS/GPS NMEA receiver data which is generally transmitted at a rate significantly less than 115,200 baud with gaps between messages.

OEM modules

AntiLog OEM RS232 data logger AntiLogPro OEM RS232 data logger
AntiLog OEM AntiLogPro OEM

The fully boxed product comes ready to use. Use our OEM modules to embed a high quality, single board, RS232 data logging solution into your own application. The OEM modules are built to last in demanding situations. They use robust surface mount construction and measure only 50mm x 60mm. The AntiLog OEM module is functionally identical to our boxed product but it allows direct access to the removable FLASH media (socket mounted under the card) and allows direct access to CMOS RS232 levels.

The OEM boards only require the addition of a power source, two push to make switches ('On' and 'Off' buttons) and a bi-colour LED (two for the AntiLogPro variant) to realise a complete RS232 data logging solution. You can use the standard 2.54mm pitch, header to interface directly to your application. The pin header for example, allows direct connection with OEM equipment (e.g. OEM GPS receivers) which require RS232 signal connections at CMOS levels.

For completely unattended use, we offer a Forced Power hardware option (the 'P' option). This option is fitted as standard to all AntiLogPro OEM units and can be requested for the original AntiLog OEM hardware. With this option, you simply apply power to start data logging and remove power to stop logging. Apply and remove the power as much as you want to append data to the store. This option is ideal in applications where user interaction is not practical such as in vehicle installations, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), process control systems in hostile environments or for AntiLogPro OEM modules in a multiple unit configuration.

Multiple unit data logging

Multiple unit RS232 data logger configuration

If you need to log a large number of RS232 data sources at the same time then you can configure multiple AntiLogPro OEM units into one large multi-channel data logger. Up to a theoretical maximum of 255 AntiLogPro OEM dual channel data loggers can be connected together to act as one multiple channel data logger.

All units are controlled from a special dedicated multi-unit Auxiliary bus serial port which can freely command units on the bus to switch between record and playback modes at any time. Our free AntiTermPro supporting application includes full support for multiple unit operation in a GUI form.

Options packs

Our AntiLog and AntiLogPro products provide an extremely comprehensive set of features as standard, but additional 'Option Packs' are available from your AntiLog supplier to extend their capabilities still further.

Option packs are either hardware or software in nature. Hardware option packs are only available from your AntiLog supplier and can't be retrofitted. Software option packs can be ordered at the time of purchase or installed after purchase using the built in bootloader application standard in all units supplied.

The complete data logging solution

AntiLog Zip Up Case

All boxed versions of AntiLog come complete with all you need to get you started. You get an RS232 NULL modem cable (to allow you to connect AntiLog to a PC or equivalent to download recorded data), optional printed manual (electronic copies are always supplied), an Alkaline PP3 battery - and you even get a zip-up carry case.

If the equipment you wish to log data from has a serial port connection designed to fit into a standard PC, simply plug this instead into AntiLog and you are ready to record the output from the equipment.

All AntiLog units come standard with an ultra simple to use embedded firmware upgrade capability which means you can receive firmware upgrades via the Internet which you simply transmit at your unit and the upgrade is complete.

For a more complete description of AntiLog's capabilities, please take time to view the following product information sheet for the current AntiLog embedded firmware release:-

How to purchase AntiLog and AntiLogPro units

We offer the full range of AntiLog and AntiLogPro RS232 data logging units, all option packs, and all related accessories in our 'Martelec' shop. For more information, please click on the 'Purchase units' button below.

Accepted Credit Cards

Detail may be subject to change without notice. Data applicable to AntiLog embedded firmware V9.2b
(c) Anticyclone Systems Ltd, 2024 Updated: 21-Jun-2024