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RS232 data visualisation using AntiTermPro

Visualising RS232 GNSS NMEA and WITS data streams

Our AntiTermPro application provides an RS232 serial port terminal interface to allow interaction with all of our AntiLog series RS232 data loggers. The application provides many additional features including the ability to visualise incoming RS232 serial port data.

Navigation information from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers is often available as a stream of ASCII NMEA sentences via one or more RS232 serial ports. Our AntiTermPro application can decode and interpret these NMEA sentences in real time and provide a graphical display of the content.

For users involved in the drilling industry, AntiTermPro also provides a way to visualise incoming Wellsite Information Transfer Specification (WITS) records. A tabbed display lets you see raw or a decoded data display of the data. Please see Displaying WITS data records on this page.

Displaying GNSS NMEA data

If you click the 'Visualise' button in AntiTermPro whilst streaming NMEA data from a GNSS navigation receiver, you are presented with a 'Visualise GNSS' display.

AntiLogPro units fitted with the 'G' option are able to simulate live NMEA data streams at a user defined static world location. The following example shows such an output.

GNSS visualisation display

You can select which satellite constellation to display and there is a 'Hold' feature which locks the current content for close inspection.

If you are using an older GPS receiver, there may be an issue with the displayed date being incorrect due to a well known GPS week 1024 rollover issue. GPS receivers can only represent the date over a 1024 week period. You can have AntiTermPro automatically correct the displayed date and time based on the provided preset rollover offsets.

If you record NMEA data using any of our AntiLog products, you have the ability to replay the recorded data in real time which can be used with this visualisation display. Even if you don't have time stamping enabled during record, AntiLog units are still able to replay the date in 'real time' using date and times in the NMEA message content.

Displaying WITS data records

AntiTermPro is able to display raw and decoded data records in the WITS Level 0 format (ASCII line data). In addition, it is able to prefix record data either with the current date and time of arrival, or recorded dates and times when played back from AntiLog units with the expanded date and time in the playback menu enabled, all at millisecond resolution.

WITS raw data

If you click the 'Decoded data' tab within the WITS display, AntiTermPro automatically decodes the incoming record entries into a human readable form.

WITS decoded data

AntiTermPro buffers incoming records together with all of their date and time values. If you click on the 'Hold display' tick box, the display holds the current record and you are then able to use the 'Prev' and 'Next' buttons to browse through all the records in the buffered store. You can go back up to 50 records, and forward up to and including the currently held record.